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Are your sex dolls toxic?

(1) What is TPETPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer) is a thermoplastic elastomer material with the characteristics of high strength, high resilience, injection molding, a wide range of applications, environmental protection, non-toxicity and safety, and excellent colorability. (2) What is siliconeSilicone is a highly active adsorption material, which is an amorphous substance, its chemical formula is mSiO2 nH2O;…

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Are TPE materials toxic?

TPE is a plastic material that is not toxic. TPE, also known as thermoplastic elastomer in Chinese, is a material with high elasticity, high strength, high resilience of rubber, and the characteristics of injection molding. It is environmentally friendly, non-toxic and safe, has a wide range of hardness, excellent colorability, soft touch and weather resistance.…

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